Every week my fabulous cousin,
Michele, writes a blog post and sends out a newsletter. She is a Life Coach and if you've read my blog before, I've mentioned her several times. She is wonderful at her job and amazingly talented as a life coach, encourager, organizer and sounding board. I would encourage you to sign up for her newsletter and I believe you can do that from her website!
This past Sunday her blog/newsletter was entitled
"Lessons from lifeguarding" . I found it strangely applicable to my life at this very moment. She's good like that and I am certain that I am not the only one to feel this way. Sometimes I feel like she writes her blog
for me! One time, she even used my question as the topic of one of her blogs! I felt like a rock-star! Anyway....Her blog this week was about treading water. And how sometimes you just have to do that and WAIT. The dreaded word....WAIT. I hate it. I hate waiting. But you know what, I feel like right now while I'm treading water, that this is where I am supposed to be.
I dont need to be anywhere other than where I am. This feels right for this moment. I know that eventually I will swim in the right direction (where ever that may be), but for now I'm treading water, I'm waiting. I'm waiting on Him to guide me in the right direction.
I've really been challeneged this past 6 months to change my prayer life. And while I have definitely changed the way I think about prayer, I haven't had much action to go with my thoughts. That's one of my goals for this year: To live a praying life. It's hard for me to see what that's supposed to look like but I'm not sure that it is supposed to look like anything. It's what I make it. I've been running a lot lately, or working on running a lot lately, and I think that I'm going to start using that 30+ minutes as prayer time. I'm going to turn off the iPod (this is going to be REALLY hard for me) and I'm going to use that time to talk to God. To talk about my day and also to pray for others. I saw pictures of this girl last year who ran a marathon and while she ran she prayed for 26 of her friends. One of each mile she ran. Well, I'm not really running that many miles YET, but I still am running for around 30 minutes several days a week and plan to use this time more wisely, in some way other than rockin' out to Justin Timberlake or Rhianna!!
Let me know if there is anyway that I can pray for you!