Nov 23, 2011

Thankful Thanksgiving

Things I am thankful for now:

1. Work - I am so satisfied with my job. I am happy there and really enjoy the work and the people that I work with.
2. Jonathan - I am so thankful for his sweet spirit, his kind words and his encouragement. We have so much fun together!
3. Health - I am happy and thankful to have been healthy this whole year.
4. Family - I am thankful for the support and love they give me on a regular basis. I can't wait to spend time with them over the next 6 weeks as I get to know my new nephew and spend time with the rest of my family.
5. Friends - I am thankful for their continued encouragement. I'd especially like to call attention to a few close friends who continually encourage me, listen to me and make time for me in their lives: Melissa, Diana, Nick, Ashley(s), Megan and several new friends here in Knoxville
6. Healthy pregnancy for Ashley - And baby boy waters #2! Can't wait to meet him this weekend.
7. Spending time with my family over the Holidays. I can't wait to get home for Thanksgiving and then again for Christmas.

I am so grateful to Jesus for giving me so much to be thankful for. He is the real reason I have to be Thankful.

What are you thankful for this season?

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