May 6, 2009


Wow! So, it's May. Does that seem kind of crazy to anyone else? When did this happen? It seems that life and time go so much more quickly now that I'm a real adult (although that's up for debate since I dont have a job and live with my parents!) I've now been unemployed for 7, yes 7, months....

I've been pretty frustrated with God lately over this whole situation because I felt like I was doing the right thing moving here to Greenville and taking this job, which I no longer have. And then not being able to find something new for so long. I've had more than one person tell me that there is some purpose in this, and maybe I'll never know what it is. This morning I was reminded what a mighty and awesome God I serve, we as Christians serve. I was reading Stuff Christians Like and the post today is about fame. No accounting career is going to make me famous (unless I cheat a lot of people out of millions of dollars and go to jail), but it doesn't matter because the Creater of the Universe knows my name! He is the Creater, Maker, Redeemer, God...He knows what He's doing.

1 comment:

  1. thanx for sharing honestly. have you heard addison road's new song - "what do i know about holy" - WOW! speaking of honesty, it hit really close to home for me. check it out - your post reminds me of it a bit. love you, CUB!
