Jan 20, 2010

The Gym

MAN! I am beat!  Today, I am thankful for the gym.  It's really my favorite part of the typical day.  I started back on January 9, after a two week break and feeding frenzy over Christmas and New Year's.  I actually did pretty good over the holidays with my eating and not over doing it.

I started going back to the gym last year in April.  When I lived in Greenville, I went to the Y there until I lost my job.  Then when I moved to Greer I joined the gym in town and now I've joined a gym here in Knoxville.  It was one of the first things that I did when I moved to Knoxville.

I'm not going to be as honest as one of my friends on her blog and tell you how much I weigh or weighed, but since last April I've lost almost 20 pounds!  I was pretty excited to realize this on the scale the other day.  I've only lost about 10 since I moved to Knoxville - which doesn't sound like much since it's been 6 months but I've lost several inches in addition to the pounds.  I am wearing clothes that I wasn't able to wear this time last year and feel a whole lot better about myself.  I usually go for about an hour every day.  I try to go every day, even on the weekends and yesterday was the first day that I've missed in almost 2 weeks.  I also have a friend or two who go to the same gym and encourage me to run faster and longer and take some classes.  It really makes a difference knowing that someone is going to say "where were you at the gym today" or even something as simple as "you missed a good work out at the gym today".

Anyway - I'm just really enjoying the gym and I would encourage you to do the same.  My trainer from home would say that you don't need an actual gym to go to and she's right - but it makes excuses non existent when it's freezing or raining or ridiculously hot!

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