Dec 11, 2010

Security Measures

Security Measures

By Rick Ezell

"The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty" (Psalm 91:1).

Have you noticed: The more emphasis we place on security, the less secure we feel? Not only do we feel insecure on a national scope with terrorism and crime, but we also feel insecure on a personal level. Falling stock market. The threat of job loss. The assault on personal safety.

The Psalmist invites you to snuggle up close, to feel the warmth of the one he is writing about, and to share in the protection he offers, to cuddle in his truths, and to rest secure in the peace he offers.
I read that, during a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico, a news report highlighted a rescue device used on the oil rigs. In case of fire or (in this case) hurricane, rig workers scramble into the bullet shaped "bus" and strapped themselves into their seats. When the entry port is shut, the vehicle is released down a chute and projected away from the rig. The seat belts protect the occupants from the impact with the water. The capsule then bobs in the sea until the rescuers come to pick it up.
That's an image of what God does for us. He is the one who protects us. The term dwells in Psalm 91:1 implies that we live in conscious fellowship with and draw daily strength from God. He is your defense shield, your alarm system, your protective coating. He is everything you need to feel secure in an insecure world.
This verse reminds me of a security blanket. Not a thing, mind you, but a person. Just as many children will not let their security blanket out of their sight, always in their grasp, so are believers to be constantly in touch with their security source. Live, therefore, constantly and continually in his presence.
Every person craves security. Real security is not found in things-job, stock market, position at work, fat bank account, alarm systems, but in the person of Jesus Christ.
Copyright 2010, Rick Ezell.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the uplift too! I Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas~
