Mar 6, 2011

Day Dream Sundays

So, since my blog is called Reverie - as in day dreams - I thought that I'd write about some of my day dreams. Just once a week, I'll write about something that I've been day dreaming about, both fun and my fellow blogging friend Lindsey, I want to be able to get personal and share my life with you, and I thought this might be a good way to do it.

Recently I've been day dreaming about being able to run. I mean really run, for a couple miles, without feeling like I want to die! I'd be OK comfortably running for 3 miles. To be honest, I get bored after more than 30 minutes, so if 3 miles were easy for me to run, I'd be satisfied with that. Maybe I'll run a 10K one day but I don't really see myself doing a half marathon or a whole marathon. Maybe once I get to be a better runner, I'll get more into it and be interested in doing longer races. But already, I'm enjoying it. It's changing my body shape and I'm losing weight and I'm getting better. Slowly but surely!

My friend Melissa and I are running a 5K at the end of March. I'd be happy if I could run the whole time and finish in under 45 minutes. I think that I could walk it in 45, so for my first race, I'm thinking that this'll be do-able. Right now, I couldn't run the whole 3.1 miles. I could get close. I'm up to about 2 miles. I'm doing an 8 week training program and the race is about 3 weeks away! I'll be sure to let you know how it goes, for both of us. We haven't been able to train together and I know she's going to kick my butt, but I know it'll be something fun that we can do together. I hope that even after the race, and a short training break, that I'll keep running. Especially since the weather is beginning to get nicer and I'm hoping to be able to get outside more and more!