Jun 18, 2009

Quick Trip to Knoxville

So Monday night I decided it'd be a good time to take a quick trip to Knoxville! I ran (not literally) over there Tuesday morning, spent the day with Ashley, the evening with the Reilly's and the night with Melissa! I had breakfast wednesday with Kathy and lunch with Nick and was home by dinner time. It was super fast and I enjoyed every second of it!

My main purpose was to see Ashley. It had been about a year since I had seen her. She and her husband, Timothy, are moving to Thomasville, Georgia today. It's a heck of a lot closer than South Hamilton, Massachusetts but still a good bit farther than Knoxville! We had lunch at Tea at the Gallery. It's a wonderful little tea room with finger sandwiches, weird pasta salad, and delicious scones! I spent the afternoon with her and went to dinner with her family. I stopped by Kevin and Kathy's for a few minutes and visited with them after a great dinner at The Chop House with the Greenes. It had been a long time since I had seen the Reilly's, so it was great to catch up with them! We sat out on the porch and had a beer - it was fantastic! I spent the night at Melissa's and got to see Anna. Melissa and I stayed up late (as usual) and caught up. It was good to see her before she leaves for China for 6 1/2 weeks on Tuesday. (Who am I going to talk to while she's gone?!)

Wednesday morning I went with Kathy to Cracker Barrel and met Nick for lunch in Market Square. We went to the Tomato Head. It was really good. I was glad to be able to go there. I've heard so much about it but never been able to go before. I made it home for dinner with my parents on Wednesday night. Pretty quick trip but a great one.

I apologize to the other Knoxvill-ians that I was unable to see! We'll catch up next time! I'll be there next week again for another quick trip. This time for an interview! :)

1 comment:

  1. we did stay up late, despite my early-in-the-evening insistence that i would go to bed early. but there are so few people that i enjoy staying up late with like i do with you!!! and we'll have an extra-long catch up chat when i get back.
