Aug 23, 2009

Life is Unexpected

So, my life is still feeling a little bit crazy and unexpected. I had a good weekend here in Knoxville. Celebrated Bryan's birthday friday night. Saturday: gym, lunch with Whit, Jake's football game, and rockband. Sunday: church and lunch with Mike and Bev. So fun to receive a last minute phone call from them yesterday and find out that they were in town! :)

I was hoping for a little down time this weekend. I had that today but still feel like I have a lot to do that I shouldn't be wasting my time with tv watching and chilling. I'm planning to take a mental health day this week and be able to take care of some things that have been left hanging since my move to Knoxville - mostly my car. The other thing is the organization of my life!

I think this mental health day will help my brain. It really will be a mental health day. Today, I did one of the dumbest things I've ever done. No, seriously. I went to the grocery store today because I will actually be able to cook as I'll be in town for the next two weeks! Yay! So, I was loaded up my car, moved the buggy to the cart replacement thing and drove away. I got home and realized that I'd left my purse in the cart, in the parking lot at Kroger at 7 pm on a Sunday night. Have I seriously lost my mind? Well of course I took off and sped back to Kroger and there it was, right in the cart, in the cart replacement thing, in the Kroger parking lot. Praise Jesus. Seriously, Praise Jesus. It could have been disasterous.

In the past several days, I have heard of deaths or suffering of several people, two semi close to my age. Earlier this week, a guy that I went to high school with passed away. I didn't really know him but was shocked to hear this news. The reality of life's fragility was again brought to my attention this weekend in Knoxville. On opening high school football night, a team from Kingsport was playing a Knoxville team and one of their players collapsed on the field and passed away. A high school senior. Playing his last first game of the football season at the beginning of his senior year, collapsed on the field and never got up. I also have a friend who is dealing with a sick, old grandparent. It's just a bittersweet reminder of how precious life is and how most of the time - life does not go according to plan, things change, stuff happens.

Life is totally unexpected.

I'm curious to se what God is going to do next in my life. This past almost 2 months now, has been an amazing time for me to see God working: in my job, my friends, my new city, my old city, in looking for a church, in new friends, in old friends. I'm excited about what's next!

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